Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yes dear

M: Jessie, I just washed a load of whites and there was barely anything in there. Are you putting my socks somewhere?
J: No Max. I never put your socks anywhere. YOU on the other hand put your socks everywhere.
M:I don't think so. I think you have my socks somewhere.
J:Whatever Max. Whatever you think. I'm not the one without socks.

Further proof.

Dear Max,

Your socks are in the bathroom.

and under the plant in the living room

and in the porch
and Clyde also has some as well.

So my sweet cheeks, stop taking your socks off everywhere around the house and you will have socks.

Love, the wife.


Nikki* said...

HAHAHAHA, i love this!!!

Sarah said...

Oh goodness, I hope that Max reads this! I don't know what it is with men & taking their socks off all around the house(my brothers do this too).