Wednesday, January 26, 2011

egh...MN drivers

To the red Silverado, MINNESOTA driver in front of me this morning on the freeway-

I would love to understand your logic of:

1. Staying in the left lane the entire time

2. Speeding up between cars on the left

3. Slowing down while passing a car

4. Being a jerk in general

Please get out of the left lane. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daycare blues

I just had a very hard lunch. I started making calls for daycare availability. If the thought of having my Dexter in daycare made me want to vomit before, I am just crushed by the thought of it now. I so so so wish that I could just stay home and be with him. It is just not a possibility at this point.
I didn't realize that finding a spot for an infant would be more difficult than any other child but I did manage to find one lady with an opening near our house. I really hope we like her and that it works out. I got her number from a gal that used to work with me. She had her kids there for 4 years I think before she had to move them.
Luckily for us, Angel is willing to watch Dexter one day a week and I'm hoping I can figure something out for one more day so that he will only have to be there for 3 days a week. That definitely helps us out financially but also then I'll know Dex is with family.
I love my son so much, I just really want to find a comfortable fit for us all. I knew this would be really hard but I had no idea how hard. Poo.

Monday, January 17, 2011

hair stumped

I'm really bored with my hair and I'm thinking I enjoy this cut and color... do you think I could pull this off or is it too blonde??
I'm working on Max to agree to the maintenance costs of having blonde hair still but I'm pretty sure I will win this one. Eventually :)

christmas leftovers.

I swear my floor swallowed up pine needles from Christmas tree because I am STILL sweeping up needles and the tree has been down for a couple weeks now. It must be my Christmas leftovers :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I may look cute as pie and have the most kissable cheeks around but I'm warning you... this is the look I'm going to give you before I have an official meltdown. Consider yourself warned.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vicious cycles

Vicious cycles suck.

I have to pump All. THE. TIME. Seriously. 5 times a day. I’m really sick of it. I have to pump so much because I don’t produce enough. I pump more to trick my body into thinking it needs more and I take Fenugreek to try and naturally increase my supply. I sit and pump and stress about the small amount of milk in those little bottles. In turn, the stress makes me produce less making me need to pump more.

See what I mean? Vicious cycles suck.

Alright, waa waa waa to me. Don’t worry, I just told myself to stop being such whiner and complainer. I’m very happy I have been able to feed my son with the best of the best for this long. Hopefully I can continue to do it. My son is worth every pumping minute.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Absent for one day...

Please excuse my boobs from having to pump or breast feed for one day. They are tired and want a break. They will be back in business after one day. Thanks!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

kids say the darndest things

I went to my uncles house on new years eve day to take a few pics for them and had the following conversation with my 10ish yr old cousin Ayrica.

A: Dexter is so cute!
J: Why thank you, I think so too...
A: I think Dexter has your eyes.
J: Oh really?
A: Yes I do! He has those dark circles around his eyes just like you do!
