Friday, January 7, 2011

Vicious cycles

Vicious cycles suck.

I have to pump All. THE. TIME. Seriously. 5 times a day. I’m really sick of it. I have to pump so much because I don’t produce enough. I pump more to trick my body into thinking it needs more and I take Fenugreek to try and naturally increase my supply. I sit and pump and stress about the small amount of milk in those little bottles. In turn, the stress makes me produce less making me need to pump more.

See what I mean? Vicious cycles suck.

Alright, waa waa waa to me. Don’t worry, I just told myself to stop being such whiner and complainer. I’m very happy I have been able to feed my son with the best of the best for this long. Hopefully I can continue to do it. My son is worth every pumping minute.

1 comment:

Nettypg said...

Do as much as you can! I felt that way all the time with Dillon (and I wasn't working) I just ended up nursing him a lot and then supplementing with formula when I just didn't have anything else to give him. Now Jennilyn I was able to nurse and had no problem, but with the twins I had to supplement with them as well. It frustrated me because my sisters could pump and build up a 6 month supply of milk, and I couldn't get that much going. Hang in there!