Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daycare blues

I just had a very hard lunch. I started making calls for daycare availability. If the thought of having my Dexter in daycare made me want to vomit before, I am just crushed by the thought of it now. I so so so wish that I could just stay home and be with him. It is just not a possibility at this point.
I didn't realize that finding a spot for an infant would be more difficult than any other child but I did manage to find one lady with an opening near our house. I really hope we like her and that it works out. I got her number from a gal that used to work with me. She had her kids there for 4 years I think before she had to move them.
Luckily for us, Angel is willing to watch Dexter one day a week and I'm hoping I can figure something out for one more day so that he will only have to be there for 3 days a week. That definitely helps us out financially but also then I'll know Dex is with family.
I love my son so much, I just really want to find a comfortable fit for us all. I knew this would be really hard but I had no idea how hard. Poo.

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