I had to come home today to clean. Not the best thing in the world to do but I usually have Sunday be cleaning day and the rest of the week I just randomly do this and that to keep the house decent. Tomorrow, we are having a birthday dinner at my house for Angel and Max so there will be about 10 relatives over here eating and looking over my house. Sigh. This means clean. Clean, clean, clean. So, I got home from work around... hmmm, probably 5:45 and took the dogs for a walk because MAN were they hyper! Got home, Max made a quick dinner and then at 7 we started cleaning. Together we washed, swept, sprayed, vacuumed, mopped, shook, and sweat making this place beautiful. It does look and smell beautiful. I told Max that I like it much better when we clean together, it goes much faster.
me: We make a good team babe, only a hour and a half of cleaning and we are done for the night. I sure love you.
him: I love you too babe. We done good.
me: I'm going to go blog now
him: I'm going to go play poker.
And off we went our seperate ways.
Things I LOVE! More specifically, people I love :) I like reading other peoples blogs and looking at their pictures and being able to put a face to a name so I am kind of going to give you some faces so when I talk later about them, you know who they are. Except for a few key people in my life, who I don't have current pics of, these are the very important people in my life :)
This is my Max, whom I can't wait to marry!

These are my closest friends, we are a goofy bunch.

Well, I guess it's time for bed. Getting the pics ready and uploading them and then writing sure takes a while. Geez!

Night guys!
Awww, Jessie, you're starting to inspire me to get my arse back on my personal blog!
you should so then i can just look at your blog and not have to send you mile long emails!
Yeah, I think I'm going to, just wish that my life wasn't so boring!
Okay, I just posted my first post since June 1st.
awww, wordpress won't let me post comments on your blog :(
thanks erin! i think it's a beauty too!
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