Wednesday, July 15, 2009


i realize that i haven't exactly been blogging everyday about my trip but it is difficult when there are so many other things to do and i feel bad for not paying attention to max while he is driving. he has taken over most of the driving (thank goodness!) since we have been going through big town after big town after big town. i am a good driver, don't get me wrong but all this big town business drives me crazy. plus, with him driving, i am navigating and i just don't think he would do well as a navigator. we have already had a couple of "discussions" about not paying attention or not listening. i can't imagine how many there would be if he was navigating.
anyway, the point of the blog post... arbys. my husband who, bless his heart, is annoying the living daylights out of me for some reason (post pms i'm thinking) refused to eat anything else but arbys for lunch. there just aren't that many arbys around here so it adds to his annoyingness that he just wouldn't eat anything else. he started pushing buttons in the gps trying to find an arbys. oh good, he says, there is an arbys 5 miles off the freeway, lets go! i rolled my eyes but whatever, if he wants to waste time searching for a dang arby's 5 miles off the freeway, then good for him. we follow the gps which leads us through, not kidding, 4 different highways and freeways and then when we get here, its in a mall. cool. oh no, max isn't going to go all the way in the mall for his arbys, i guess we should get back on the freeway.
fast forward to 10 minutes later, there is an arby's sign on the side of the road. we get off the freeway again. by this time he as asked me oh so politely if i could go on the internet to the arby's website to search for the closest location off the freeway we are on. i know, FOR A FREAKING ARBYS. the arbys was there and thank the lord, it had 5 for 5. max is now happily eating away at his arbys while driving.
i love my husband
i love my husband
i love my husband

footnote: 5 mintues after happily eating some of his arbys sandwiches, he asks if i can go on and see how many calories are in a sandwich.. he really wants to know
oh yeah, and this beef tastes funny, he says.


Nikki* said...

lol poor Max.
poor Jessie.
I love you!

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

hahaha, this is so funny jessie!