Monday, May 31, 2010

19 weeks

We had a pretty good week this week :) No big problems, not too many headaches. Bugger moves around all the time now! Or at least I can feel him/her moving around all the time now. Just a couple of days ago, s/he was playing kickball with my appendix or something and was moving around HARD and Max could feel the baby from the outside! It has happened a couple more times since then so that is very exciting :) I know how much Max has been looking forward to that. Even last night he slept with his hand on my belly which he hasn't really done. I think he wants to feel the baby more. Seems like the little bugger moves around the most in the evening. I feel him/her in the morning for just a little while but at night s/he goes wild! A good hour or so is spent kicking and swirling around. I love it!
We had our 18 week appointment on Friday. I am having such an ideal pregnancy so far (knock on wood) that we don't even have anything to discuss in our appointments! The baby's heartbeat was at 148 for that appointment. So they go like this so far: 155, 150 and 148. Mom freaked out right away and said "SEE, IT'S A GIRL". I know that I would be mighty surprised if this baby turned out to be a girl but I think mom will be just as surprised if bugger is a boy. So either way, someone is going to be very surprised.
Our ultrasound in on Thursday! I'm so excited to see my little bugger on that screen. I am still going back and forth with Max about the pictures. He is the only person I know who is slightly creeped out by ultrasounds so he doesn't want any pictures going on the internet. I told him that since he wants NONE on the internet and I want THEM ALL on the internet, a good compromise would be for me to put a couple up and just on my blog. I feel like a lot less people read my blog then facebook so that should satisfy him a little bit. He is still being a bear about it but I'll work on it. He has to compromise too! No worries, we are still not finding out the sex. Hopefully no one slips or we will be mighty upset.

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