Tuesday, May 18, 2010

17 weeks

I always think of things to say during the week but when it comes to sitting down and actually typing it out, I can't remember a thing!
I am feeling more pregnant these days. I know I will get much bigger but my body is no longer doing what it usually can. Sitting on the couch has to be done in a special position since my stomach won't go "in" anymore... I doubt that I look like I'm doing the pregnant walk but it almost feels like I am having to move side to side when I walk long distances. I'm fitting into my "bigger" pregnant clothes. You get what I mean :) That little baby is growing in there!
I've been getting these headaches, holy moses, are they vicious. I don't usually get headaches too often so these buggers are coming almost every day. If I can, I have to go and sit in a spot where there is very little light and very little noise. Sheesh. They are NO FUN. Heartburn is becoming more frequent as well. Today I had a very bad episode after Dad took me out to Arby's for lunch. Yikes. I hate Tums too... that chalky texture. Gives me goosebumps every time I chew into one. Better get used to it I think!
Still waiting on the little baby to move... everyone says I will KNOW when I feel him/her. I think I might have today. I felt a little something moving around 2 but it didn't happen again so I don't know if I should count it. I'm probably just reading too much into it. I'm just so excited to feel him/her!
I'm happy to announce that my baby has names picked out :) Since some people know, some people don't, I don't feel like it needs to be a secret. The gender of the baby is secret enough I guess. Drumroll please........
If we have a girl, her name will be Ayda Lynn and if we have a boy, his name will be Dexter Lincoln. :):):):)
While we picked out the names together, I officially picked out Ayda's name and Max officially picked out Dexter's name. Both middle names are family names. We are very happy with our decision and are excited to see who comes out of there!


Jummy said...

I think its going to be Ayda Lynn! just calling it now... :)

Jessie said...

It's pretty divided up... I'd say half and half. Mom and Caitlin think it will be an Ayda as well :)

Sarah said...

Yes, Ayda Lynn!

erin said...

I LOVE the names!!!
You look great, Jessie! Keep it up!