Wednesday, May 26, 2010

18 weeks

I felt the baby move!!!! Oh what an amazing feeling. Physical validation (other then my growing stomach) that there is a little baby in there :) I feel him/her daily now. Sometimes it's little "bubbles", almost like fizz rising to the top of your soda, sometimes its a "swish" where I imagine him/her kicking or stretching. Always I like to stop and pay attention. Even right now as I write this the baby is moving around... bugger knows we are talking about him/her! I LOVE it. Now I can't wait for Max to be able to feel the baby as well. I always stick his hand on my belly even though I know he can't feel it but just so his hand is so close to contact with our baby.
We have our 18 week appointment on Friday so we'll get to hear the heartbeat again as well as the ultrasound next week :):):) super excited for that! I will carry around those photos and show them to everyone! Max is really weird about the ultrasound pics though, he doesn't want me to put any on the internet. We are going to have to compromise on that one.
My sister-in-law had her ultrasound this past week and found out she was having a boy. I was gobsmacked. I was sure, SURE that she was having a girl and now it's a boy. Now my instincts feel all off and I'm not sure what I am having. I don't think I am having the same sex as Kennedy so now I have switched and am calling my belly Ayda more often (I was calling my belly Dexter all the time). Only 21 or so weeks until we see I guess! They will go fast enough, think of how fast the last 20 weeks have gone!

p.s. my 18 week pic was taken at 1030 at night while having one of my frequent vicious headaches... please excuse my extreme pleasure I'm showing here...


Jummy said...

It was fun to see you last weekend. Thanks for the pics - very nice. Glad everything is going well.

Sarah said...

That's great! I know you've been waiting to feel her/him! Why doesn't Max want the ultrasound pics on here? I can't believe that you're already almost half way there!