Saturday, May 8, 2010

15 weeks... a little late!

Sorry about being late... I just have not wanted to get on the computer after work these days. We will chalk it up to my laziness. I'm allowed that a little bit right?
As I am just going to put up my 16 week post tomorrow (sorry again!), I will save the talking for then :)
Baby is growing safe and sound in there! The 14 week appointment went well, baby's heartbeat was at 150. So first time was 155 and second time was 150. Many people have taken that mean we are having a boy. Mom is positive I am having a girl since I was her firstborn and I was a girl. I told her that doesn't make any sense but whatever. Let the woman dream :)


Maya said...

I heard that.....

erin said...

What do YOU think it is, Jessie?
You look beautiful!

Jessie said...

-Sorry Mom!!
-Thank you Erin! I hadn't gotten ready the last couple of weeks on Sundays (yikes!). Thank goodness for Mothers Day Dinner tonight so that my 16 week picture will show my child I do get myself put together sometimes!
I go back and forth quite often. In my dreams its usually a girl but I am leaning towards boy.

Sarah said...

I'll agree with your mom and say girl especially since you've been calling the baby "him". You know it always ends up being the opposite of what you think it is and that high heartbeat thing is just an old wive's tale ;)