Friday, October 17, 2008

Wedding Registry

As you all know, or maybe don't know... Max and I are procrastinators. I am much more of a procrastinator then Max but we both have it in us. Wedding wise, we've kind of waited until the last minute to do things. We shouldn't have, but we did. We didn't however, put off our wedding registry. We went a couple months ago and registered at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond (which was a terrible experience I might add. Our "helper" was a big wench *sorry about the language*). We actually had to back to Target again and add things to our registry because we didn't think we had enough.

So now, we have the wedding invitations out (or most of them anyway) and people are starting to comment on our registry. Now that I go and look at it, we really don't have a lot of stuff on there compared to the amount of people invited. The problem with this though, is that Max and I had a REALLY hard time just coming up with what we have on there. I think we are too practical. We know that we don't have a lot of space in our house, we know that since we've lived together for about 3 years now that we have a lot of basics that other couples normally wouldn't have, and we also know that we are pretty down to earth people and just don't need a lot of stuff.

While this is a good quality about is I think, it doesn't provide a way for our guests to have options while purchasing gifts (which I appreciate so much! A PRE-thank you!) and I don't want there to be issues or anything. I feel weird enough that people are buying us gifts and talking to me about it. I kind of looked up online what people usually register for and some of it just doesn't fit Max and I. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions on what things we could get on that registry that would bulk up our list a little bit while being something useful that could have forgotten about? I would be incredibly grateful for any help. Apparently Max and I have problems with this.

On that same note, can anyone think of something wedding planning related that I wouldn't think of? Haha, I just want all my bases covered and no surprises later.


kristi noser said...

I think it's ok that you have so few things on your registry. If people can't find something for a gift, they'll probably give you money, which is what newlyweds need more than anything anyway. Down payment, anyone?

kristi noser said...

Someone to cut the cake. Didja think of that one? That's the one I forgot until 2 days before the wedding.

Sarah said...

That's ok Jessie, money is always good! Just try and think of some things that you guys want but don't feel like spending your money on :)