Thursday, October 9, 2008

No TV= Wasted Evening

5pm- Max leaves for poker
5-530pm- sat on my butt... on the computer
530ishpm- JW came over, took the dogs for a nice long W.A.L.K (a W to my dogs)
615ish- sat on my butt... on the computer
645ish- was so bored decided to take a drive during which I called a bunch of people
7pm-got a hold of Caitlin and talked to her for about 45 min... partly while still on a drive
745pm- sat on my butt... on the computer
830pm- Josh called... talked to him for about a half an hour about random things
910pm (now)- decided it's not too early anymore to go to bed.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I see that I have a missed call from you while I was at work. Sorry that I didn't call you back, but I don't think you would enjoy me calling you at 11pm when I get home and actually check my phone. That must have been when you were bored. Soweeeeee!