Monday, September 1, 2008

The Jewell/Arco Experience (State Fair Style)

Another busy weekend in the life of Jessie.... oh when will it all end!!!! That being said, I'm here to tell you my personal Minnesota State Fair experience as I have read quite a few others.

Yesterday was Max's 23rd birthday. It seems so weird to me that he is already 23 years old! I remember when we first started dating (6 years ago yesterday) and he was just this... teenager and now he is 23. Geez, time sure does fly doesn't it?

He decided that going to the state fair would be fun for us to do and would be cheaper then anything else. (We do not get tons of food like most people but sneak in our own food and allow ourselves one treat each.) We started the day by sleeping in really late and then cooking some breakfast. I actually made breakfast for my honey :) Something that he isn't really used to. The kitchen in our house is Max's domain, definitely not my own. After wearing the dogs out we got showered, dressed and off we went.

We usually park over by Max's old school and catch the bus but when we went over there the bus was just leaving and Max didn't want to wait a half hour for the next one. So we followed the bus for a bit and then got on another one by Target. We paid our way in and started our walking adventure.

We started walking towards the right and looked at this and that. Of course, one of my favorite things to look at is the Art building with the paintings and photos. I was super surprised to see one of the girls I went to school with had a photo hanging in there and it was right when you walked in the door! I don't know if anyone would remember it but it was called "Minnesota Girl". (Yay Eileen for getting yours in there!) I just love looking at all the photos and the differences in styles.

Anyway, we walked around for a couple hours and checked out different things. I ate my subway that we brought in and got some milk at the $1 dollar stand with free refills. This is what we ate sans the subway.
Josh and Lynsie actually got the cookies but Max and I had a couple :)

When we went over the animals we met up with Josh and Lynsie who happened to also be at the fair. We spent the rest of the night with them. Haha, we got our photos done at one of those photo booths and theirs turned out so funny! They didn't know when the camera was going off so everything just turned out wrong. So I took their picture with their photo strip. Funny stuff.

We went to the talent show also. Max and I have never been to it before. It was very cool. Some of the things that those young kids can do is amazing! There was this little 10 year old girl that belted out Beauty and the Beast pretty well if I may say so and those kids playing the violin were incredible! I wish that I could play the violin like that! The kid who won the "teen division" was so funny. He played the piano and was getting super into. His hair was flying around and his hands were being so dramatic. I'm glad he won.

When we were sitting watching, I noticed that sitting next to Max was Santa! Obviously not Santa but he looked just like him. Snowy white beard and hair but he was wearing a Caribbean shirt like Santa on vacation. Next thing I know, Max in in a conversation with Santa. They start laughing together and I look over to see what's going on.
Max had taken his shoes off because he finds this more comfortable then leaving his shoes on while sitting and likes to prop his stocking feet onto his shoes rather then IN his shoes. Well, when Santa had sat down, he did the exact same thing as Max! Max had then commented to Santa that he hadn't ever seen anyone else do that. It probably was a "had to be there" moment but I took a pic of that too.

After the talent show was a huge fireworks display like none I've ever seen! They looked so big but they were also shooting them from so close! Max was more interested in watching them actually shoot them off then the fireworks themselves. When they were done, everyone at the fair left and that made for VERY crowded buses but we got home, safe and sound and the dogs hadn't destroyed anything :)

Today was another busy, busy day and tomorrow I will finally have time to just sit at my computer without any distractions except for dinner. I have to take Luca to the vet early in the morning because he is getting fixed thank goodness! Goodbye manhood! Goodbye marking! Goodbye peeing 18 times outside! Hopefully this is how it goes anyway!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sounds like you had a really fun Sunday, Happy Birthday to Max! I'll have to try to go to the fair next year since I haven't been there in ages!
Aw, poor little Luca isn't going to be a little stud.