Thursday, September 11, 2008

Puppies to dogs to nasty

My beautiful little babies are all grown up now. *Sniff sniff* They are so grown up now that they get into nasty things. These nasty things tend to have other nasty things on them and then my dogs think it's cool to get the little nasty things that other nasty things leave behind. I can't even say it.... nope. It's like my dirty little secret, my little secret that my beautiful little babies forced on me and their dad. Ok, I think I can get it out, this nasty little detail I'm leaving out, the nasty little detail that's leaving everyone wondering what the devil I'm talking about.
My dogs.... have fleas.
OOOhhhh, who knew a sentence could be so embarrassing! Oh my gosh. Nasty nasty nasty! You can't even fathom how disgusted I am by that. Why oh why couldn't we have a Fleet Farm in my tiny town so I could run right over there and get some flea shampoo, flea powder, Frontline and about everything with FLEA REMOVAL written all over it. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

I thought I was done with nasty blood sucking vermin for the year... I guess not.


Sarah said...

I'm glad that my babies never brought those home!

kristi noser said...

I thought we weren't done with blood-sucking vermin util the election was over...

erin said...

Ohhhhhhh no!