Sunday, June 27, 2010

23 weeks

Holy humongous I look huge this week! At least in the pictures I think I look pretty big! Bugger must have had a growth spurt or something. S/he's quite the active one still and getting stronger and stronger. I know that is very expected but it is different feeling it then hearing about it. I'm told that bugger can open his/her eyes this week. Wonder what it looks like in there? S/he should also be used to all loud noises now such as the dogs barking and growling at each other. Once bugger comes out, those noises apparently shouldn't be a problem. Let's hope so! What Luca lacks in size he makes up for in noise while playing.
Hopefully I will get the nursery painted next weekend. Max and I are going back and forth between two colors. We will see what ends up in there. I also found a mobile online that I love but refuse to pay the high cost so I am going to attempt to make it myself. Wish me luck on that one!
While I am a die hard Pepsi girl this baby is apparently more about the Coke products as Coke is my craving of the week. Man oh man to crack in to a cold one of those is heaven on my tongue. Almost as good as apple juice which has always ranked number one in my book. Don't worry, I rarely indulge in my craving. I am quite sensitive to caffeine as it is and don't want to have my little 1 lb bugger hyper in there.

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