Monday, June 21, 2010

22 weeks

Bugger is getting bigger and stronger. Sometimes, just because I'm not used to it, s/he'll randomly kick harder then normal and I will flinch! I wonder what I'll do when the baby is full size and kicking at my ribs. I think that is when I'll enter the "get this thing out of me!" phase right? So right now, the kicks and swirls and elbow jabs are cute :)
My appetite is still pretty large. I do love my food. Max is doing his best at keeping me healthy. Those chocolate shakes sure call to me though. Anything with chocolate syrup really.
It's getting harder to sleep at night. I know it will get much worse, I do. I really do. You don't have to tell me. I am a hard core stomach sleeper so having to give that up at the beginning was hard but I recently had to give up sleeping on my back as well. I usually flop all over the place when I sleep so being down to 2 options just is not easy. Plus, I'll finally get comfortable and Max will move my leg or something and that throws everything off. Poo.
I guess that is all I can think of right now! I am so very lucky to be having such an easy pregnancy (knock on wood). Hopefully it will stay through the whole thing!


erin said...

I used to try and try to get to sleep and then when I finally fell asleep, Richard would wake me up for snoring.

Anonymous said...

Max snores too... not fun. He also has this fun new habit of sleeping with his elbows punching me in the head. I wake up several times a night just to throw his elbows off my face. I need to develop an annoying habit for him to deal with!