Sunday, June 27, 2010

tis the season

Tis the season to be outside in the buggy, humid heat picking many, many raspberries every day. This is our first day of serious picking and from the looks of it there will be many days that are as productive as this one. Too bad I don't like raspberries.

23 weeks

Holy humongous I look huge this week! At least in the pictures I think I look pretty big! Bugger must have had a growth spurt or something. S/he's quite the active one still and getting stronger and stronger. I know that is very expected but it is different feeling it then hearing about it. I'm told that bugger can open his/her eyes this week. Wonder what it looks like in there? S/he should also be used to all loud noises now such as the dogs barking and growling at each other. Once bugger comes out, those noises apparently shouldn't be a problem. Let's hope so! What Luca lacks in size he makes up for in noise while playing.
Hopefully I will get the nursery painted next weekend. Max and I are going back and forth between two colors. We will see what ends up in there. I also found a mobile online that I love but refuse to pay the high cost so I am going to attempt to make it myself. Wish me luck on that one!
While I am a die hard Pepsi girl this baby is apparently more about the Coke products as Coke is my craving of the week. Man oh man to crack in to a cold one of those is heaven on my tongue. Almost as good as apple juice which has always ranked number one in my book. Don't worry, I rarely indulge in my craving. I am quite sensitive to caffeine as it is and don't want to have my little 1 lb bugger hyper in there.

Monday, June 21, 2010

22 weeks

Bugger is getting bigger and stronger. Sometimes, just because I'm not used to it, s/he'll randomly kick harder then normal and I will flinch! I wonder what I'll do when the baby is full size and kicking at my ribs. I think that is when I'll enter the "get this thing out of me!" phase right? So right now, the kicks and swirls and elbow jabs are cute :)
My appetite is still pretty large. I do love my food. Max is doing his best at keeping me healthy. Those chocolate shakes sure call to me though. Anything with chocolate syrup really.
It's getting harder to sleep at night. I know it will get much worse, I do. I really do. You don't have to tell me. I am a hard core stomach sleeper so having to give that up at the beginning was hard but I recently had to give up sleeping on my back as well. I usually flop all over the place when I sleep so being down to 2 options just is not easy. Plus, I'll finally get comfortable and Max will move my leg or something and that throws everything off. Poo.
I guess that is all I can think of right now! I am so very lucky to be having such an easy pregnancy (knock on wood). Hopefully it will stay through the whole thing!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Fugitive Wife by Peter Brown

This book started out slow for me but I kept going with it and it paid off in the end. I liked it much more than I thought that I would. Not a LOVE like the last one but definitely a like. Probably wouldn't re-read for a while but maybe someday.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


What does:

Rooftops in Vegas

Party at my Gma’s house

5 year old boy named Pittbull

Australian Funnel Web Spiders

Maternity homes for dogs and humans

About 800 ticks

have in common?

All included in my ten minute snooze button dream. Pregnant dreams are weird.

Monday, June 14, 2010

21 weeks

Man oh man is this an active baby. I guess I can’t really say he’s overly active since I have not had anything to compare to but s/he is always kicking and swirling and twitching or whatever goes on in there. All day long yesterday I felt the baby and so far today s/he’s been at it. I’m happy our baby is so active! Must take more after Max since I am a very inactive person ;)

I’ve been feeling really good and growing and growing. And I mean everywhere. I’ve never had boobs like this before. I’m used to my nice small ones. In fact I’m quite fond of my small boobs (sorry if this is TMI) but these things are not small anymore. Sheesh. I don’t know how women can WANT big boobs.

Yesterday I felt quite large in the stomach region but today I feel better. It’s funny how one day you feel huge and another day you feel really small.

We had our ultrasound last week and it was amazing, seeing our baby like that. It was so special. I think that is the cutest baby I’ve seen in 3D. Sorry mothers out there but I’m partial to my little bugger.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This is the fabric I chose for my future baby bedding that Grandma is making for Max and I. Holy Moses, you don't need to tell me that I am going to have the cutest baby bedding you've ever seen! (Or at least that's how I feel)! I'm so grateful that Grandma is doing this for us! This is her first attempt at baby bumpers and the crib skirt (she's an expert at quilts) and I just know she will do great!

I'm so so so so so so so excited to see it! I'm so so so so so so excited that the nursery is slowly but surely starting to get moving! Time is moving so fast! Dex or Ayda will be here before we know it!

Postmarked California?

Dear Cesar Millan,

Please work your magic on my idiotic, I mean loveable furry creatures. I have a Yorkie who thinks he rules the roost and enjoys marking my chairs, table legs, fridge and stove even though he goes outside plenty of times and always makes use of that time. He also has recently found that walking on the left side of the road is just not for him and I have to drag him until we cross the road. I don't enjoy this new habit of his. He also likes to stare at the walls where the mice have been. He will spend hours doing this... will this ruin his eyesite? Perhaps then he won't know we are on the left side of the road.

I also have a 75 pound Rottweiler mix who thinks that he is 10 pounds and has a problem with other dogs who are larger than his "10 pounds". He is very protective of his parents and does not enjoy letting other dogs near us or even around us. He has developed a nice little habit of whining when no one will pay attention to him (this includes my actual 10 pound monster).

These habits are starting to get REALLY old and will become an issue once the baby comes as I will no longer want to put up with it. Come on out to the beautiful WI and spend sometime with the cheeseheads. I'm sure that there are lots of other people around here wanting your help. (But make sure you start with my house!)

Thanks Cesar!
Sincerely, me.

My Enemy's Cradle by Sara Young

Instead of insisting that I own every book that I read (which is costly and takes up a lot of space), I've decided to go back to my childhood and go to the library for my books. This way, I won't run out of books and it's saving us a bit of money. Also, once my child is old enough to start really getting into books, it can be something we share together since Max definitely isn't a "library person".
So, these book posts are really just for me, so I can remember what books I have read, which ones I've likes, authors I've found, etc. So you might just have to disregard these posts. Sorry about that.

LOVED IT. Already have been going back and re-reading my favorite parts. Easy read but LOVED IT.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rain Rain

Dear Clyde:

I do NOT walk in the rain. You can simmer down now. One day won't kill you.

Love, Momma

Monday, June 7, 2010

Meet our happy, healthy baby :)

Already sleeps like his/her daddy :) Baby is healthy and normal and right on schedule for his/her due date. Dex/Ayda was very wiggly during the ultrasound, very cute to see! Oooooo I just love my baby already! Can't wait to give him/her kisses!

-Max is very adamant about not wanting ultrasound pictures on the internet so this is the only one I'll be showing and none on facebook.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

20 weeks

I can't believe we are halfway there. Time is going by so quickly that before I know it, I will have a little baby in my arms. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we need to get done but I know that we will have everything ready for Dex/Ayda.
Ultrasound is tomorrow (let's hope) after 3 or 4 reschedules. The last being the fault of some lady who stole my doctor away so she could give birth... sheesh, the nerve of some people :) I'm so excited to see how this little bugger looks and to hear how s/he is developing. I'm really hoping there is no slippage of the sex or that the baby doesn't give us the opportunity to see what the sex is. Max and I really want to keep this a surprise!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oh my college buddies

I met up with Sarah and Ashley today for a little Olive Garden dinner :) It's so nice that I have found such good friends when I went to college. Even nicer that we have stayed good friends! Plus who else would I talk "photo" with! No one understands the photoshop lingo! Love you ladies!
P.S. Ashley! Don't be such a blog stalker! Start your own blog up so I can return the stalking! jk. kinda ;)

It's sleepy time

Dear Dexter/Ayda,

The bigger you get my child, the earlier I'm waking up. I'm sorry to tell you but it is not a work day. Weekends you are allowed to sleep later. If you could please let momma store up some sleep, I will be happy to wake up with you at all hours of the night when you come out. Maybe not happy about waking up, but happy to have you with me.

Love you!


P.S. It's really weird to write momma and mean me, not MY mother.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Pregnant people who:
-woke up on the wrong side of the bed,
-have had a very bad/cranky (dang hormones) day

-waiting for the very exciting ultrasound for 40 min
-then being told it needs to be rescheduled because the doctor had to help a patient give birth
-then having it rescheduled for the next Friday to be re-rescheduled for Monday again.

Pregnant people just want to see their baby.
Without all the reschedules.