Thursday, June 16, 2011

my brain runs a ridiculous path

My though patterns are so scattered... This is just went through my head in this order:

Pizza sounds so good. Maybe Max will want Papa Murpheys for dinner. Is Max dead? He's not answering any of my texts. I wonder how much 4 tires will run us. Should we get them in Oct or Nov? Man, I'm still going to be hungry after this. Maybe I should heat up more. Ooo, someone brought Twizzlers. I remember when we ate a bag of Twizzlers at the Monster Truck. Won't it be fun to bring Dexter to the Monster Trucks someday. He'll have to wear those ear protectors. I wonder if they sell them there or where we would buy them. What a fun thing for Max and him to do together. But I'd want to go too. I can totally see myself being one of those mothers who never wants her kids out of their sight. I can't be that mother. I love my boy so much. I wonder what he's doing. Max should make more of those Christmas Wreath cookies. But then again he shouldn't. I have to watch what I'm eating again. I wish Dex would drink more. Holy moses, I'm full.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are SO my daughter... I don't care what anyone says, THAT's FUNNY! I love you to pieces.