Tuesday, May 3, 2011

dreams and the subconscious

I don’t think that you can control what is in your dreams. I really don’t. Some people do but that is not me. That being said, I had one heck of a dream last night. I’m not going to go explaining it because this one hit a close to home but I can’t shake the mood its left me in today. The dream itself was normal in that it was very unrealistic (at one point the car had run out of room for people to sit so another random and I popped the hood and held on for dear life. Don’t worry, the driver said he wouldn’t go over 60) but the emotional part of this dream, that is what has my mood all wacky. It brought up stuff I haven’t thought about in a long time. And I can’t stop thinking about it. All day so far. I was hoping that it would wear off but it hasn’t.

The subconscious is a weird and mysterious thing.

1 comment:

Lynsie said...

It truly truly is weird. Something we will probably never ever be able to explain.

I have had similar things...where you wake up and seriously the dream actually effects the day or morning. Why do some dreams and the feelings you feel in them seem sooo real??
