Friday, April 22, 2011

drugged out

I had my wisdom teeth taken out today. All four of them. Not fun. I went under while they did it under the recommendation of my doc (which was awesome because then it was covered by insurance instead of having to pay out of pocket for it). I barely remember the office after that, or going to Walmart and waiting 20 min for my prescriptions, or picking up Dexter from Holly's (his daycare) or the ride home.
All I have to say is it freaking hurts. Dexter's pediatrician said that I shouldn't take Vicadin as it will make my milk bad even longer (no breastfeeding for 48 hours) so I am on Tylenol 3. It's awesome. Makes me really freaking tired though. So I took some an hour ago or so and I am feeling much better now :) Much much better. I probably won't remember writing this very well though, I'm so tired. I should get away from the computer while I'm on this stuff so I don't write anything I shouldn't!
Perhaps I will take a nap and then send my fantastic husband up to McD's for a chocolate shake!

I got to keep the teeth by the way :) My only request out of this whole thing.

*(added next day) apparently while we were at Walmart we bought a Kindle case for me and a new winter coat for Dex for next year for $3! At least even while I'm drugged out I know a good deal :) I remember about 5% of that Walmart trip. I should look at the reciept to see what else we bought...

Monday, April 11, 2011


I knew that having a baby meant having a lot of baby stuff around and I was prepared for it. All the toys, the furniture, the laundry, etc. I was not prepared to give up our freezer to the little fella. Max and I have the right 1/4 of the fridge, Dexter has the rest :) Greedy little bugger, good thing he's not a bed hog.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

deja blog

I'm remembering a blog I read a while ago about a married couple and bed times. At the time I thought it was pretty funny and what not but now I completely get it. She was saying how she decides it's time for bed and she gets up, cleans up the kitchen, makes the kids lunches, picks out her clothes for the next day, yada yada yada and her husband decided its time for bed, gets up and goes to bed. I am having that same moment. Max was really tired today after a weekend of only getting about 5 hours of sleep a night and got up and went to bed. I decide to get ready for bed after getting Dex to sleep and I go do the dishes, make up a new batch of rice cereal for Dex, get his food ready for tomorrow, go wash my face, do the checkbook, pump, take the dogs out, put the clothes in the dryer and finally soon will be able to walk up the stairs to go to bed. I definitely didn't think that reading that blog a while ago would reflect my life so closely now. I'm sure that's how it goes for most families though. Mom gets tired and goes to bed an hour later... Dad gets tired and gets up and goes to bed.

Sam's Club outlaws

Max and I went to Sams Club today to pick up a few things including diapers. We get to the diaper section and get Dex's size when Max notices the pallet above on the next shelf has the bonus sized boxes of diapers with an extra 18... same price. So what did we do? Ripped that plastic wrap right off that sucker and grabbed a couple boxes. A couple of outlaws right here ;) Sams Club outlaws that is!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I am just SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. I can’t get over it. I wake up shaking in the morning after not having eaten all night long; I eat 2 breakfasts and a snack before lunch. Lunch always has to be big and I need a snack before dinner and at dinner, I shovel it in my mouth so fast I barely taste it. Max is a very fast eater and I normally take about twice as long to eat my dinner but not now. Oh no not now. I inhale it. Can’t get it in my system fast enough; have to get those calories in my tummy RIGHT NOW. Breastfeeding sure plays tricks with your body. I am going to be screwed once Dex doesn’t require as much milk and I cut back. I’m so used to eating a truckload of food everyday that my body will really pork out once I don’t have those calories going to making milk.

That was just on my brain this morning as I ate 2 breakfasts worth of food for my 1st breakfast. I have an apple, granola bar and yogurt with dried cranberries for my 2nd and I can’t wait!