Friday, March 11, 2011

holy moses of a dream

I had the craziest dream last night and I need to write it down before I forgot because I remember EVERYTHING. Josh and Loin will think this is pretty funny since it revolves around them.

Max and I walk into this hospital. It’s a really weird ghetto hospital that isn’t very updated or at least the entrance way isn’t updated. Old chairs, that ugly green color that old hospitals have. You know what I mean. We walk in and we have to keep going down halls and then take a right. Over and over we have to take a right like it’s some kind of maze. Finally we get to an area where there are some rooms and they doors are wide open. There is one room we pass with all men. There are lots of men in there getting ready to see the doc but they are naked. Not like sexual naked but just standing/sitting waiting for the doctor. We pass that door and after we take a right down the next hall, there is a room filled with women. These women are all pregnant and in labor. There are no family or men with them but a room filled with women in various stages of labor. There are women walking around, women hunched over, women moaning and groaning and one woman in the corner was in the fetal position also naked. (What’s with these naked people in my dream?)

Anyway, we apparently finally get to where we are going and we see Josh and Lynsie in a room. Lynsie has gone into labor as well. She is almost fully dilated and has made it so far without pain meds. Josh is pacing the room back and forth and back and forth nervous. I see Loin have a contraction and Josh springs into action to be by her side.

All the sudden, Max and I are at entrance way of this hospital again. We have to make the long journey of all these halls and all those right turns past the naked men and the labor room of women. We make it back to Josh and Lynsie’s room and Rachel and Brad are outside of the room along with Josh. Rachel tells me that Lynsie has started to push. I ask Josh why he isn’t in the room and he shakes his head and says “I couldn’t handle it; I’m going to be sick”. I was incredulous thinking that no one was in the room with Lynsie.

“She’s doing this all by herself?!” I asked.

Rachel then tells me that JW and Phil are in the room with her. Phil? What the heck. So we wait. Finally, Phil comes out of the room and is chuckling to himself… he couldn’t handle it either. Apparently it was too much for him. So Rachel and I fight to get in the room and Rachel beats me. So I wait.

Somehow, I finally get in the room and it’s just Lynsie, me and some invisible nurse. I don’t see her but I know she’s there. Lynsie is fully dressed in nice clothes and her coat still. She has a contraction and I tell her that she needs to breathe because it will help it not hurt so much (since she still hasn’t had any pain meds). I can still see her face all red with pain and with holding her breath for so long. After the contraction passes, I ask her if she wants her coat off which she does. We take off her coat and suddenly the baby is out. It’s a boy. At this point everyone is in the room and we ask what the baby’s name is. “Tripp” Lynsie says, “Tripp James Cole Oswald”. She called him Tippy though. He was a beautiful chunky baby boy with lots of dark hair.

I tell Lynsie it’s important to have skin to skin time right away and that she needs to get back in bed (why she was out of bed I don’t know). We get her back in bed and get her shirt off and I lay Tripp on her chest and cover them both up with the sheet so people didn’t see Lynsie’s chest. Then Lynsie looks up at me and smiles. It’s that tired smile that you get after you have gone though something hard and painful but received something so amazing you can’t even believe it.

Then I woke up.

Tell me what that bad boy means.


Lynsie said...

Hmm... soo funny and weird!! I laughed that I still had my coat on while giving birth. Ha. Thanks for the smile Jessie. :)

Sarah said...

Wow, welcome to the weird dream club.
I'm not surprised by it though. It's like baby central up there. All of you are either married with a baby or engaged thinking about having babies soon and Josh & Lynsie are next!

Lynsie said...

Dun dun dun...