Sunday, April 25, 2010


14 weeks. I look like I deflated a little bit. This child can't decide if s/he wants to make mom bigger or smaller. A little trickster already :)
Lets see, what has been going on this week? Oh, I think I can narrow it down to one word. HORMONAL. I'm all over the place and man is it hard to control. I guess Max has learned not to laugh at me (which he did do at first, grrr) and just keeps that inside while trying to deal with me. I can understand why you are supposed to be married when you have babies because no one annoys you more then the man who got you pregnant. At least that is how it is working for me.
I don't seem to be as hungry this week but when I am hungry, it's for one very specific thing that we don't seem to have or takes way to long to cook. Example, today I am craving mom's cinnamon rolls like nothing else... but the dang things need to rise overnight before you cook them. Dang it. So I had to eat cinnamon life instead. dumb. I did make the cinnamon rolls though for tomorrow :)
I had to start wearing the granny panties recently. Always makes a girl feel sexy. Max enjoys them as well... ha. I don't feel bad telling you this because if you are around me, you've probably already seen them when I've bent over. What do you do?
I'm starting to freak out a little bit that we have nothing figured out yet. I know we are early in the pregnancy but I like to know ahead of time what I can figure out. Such as the nursery. We have a little more to do with it then just painting. We need to put down new floors and such and I don't know when we will be able to do that.
Also, no progress on the name front. We could be talking about it a bit more than we do.
But, all in all, I am so excited for our little stinker to grow and everytime I look at Axton or Stella or Sammie, I'm always amazed that I am growing one of those.

1 comment:

Nikki* said...

I miss you & your granny panties :(