Tuesday, April 20, 2010

13 weeks

Oh boy are the hormones rushing in this week. I'm not generally a wishy-washy, emotion type but sheesh... I was watching Steal Magnolis and was just BALLING at Shelby's funeral. One minute I need to have Max right next to me and the next he is one of the most annoying humans alive. Poor guy sometimes doesn't know what hit him. I don't know what hit me! Mad, sad, hungry, angry, annoyed, needy, hungry, lovey, kissy, grumpy, hungry... you get the picture. This is a roller coaster right now :) It is cause for entertainment AFTER I get over whatever mood I'm in.
Energy is coming back. On Saturday I did yard work and woke up on Sunday and spent all day outside as well... once we had to come in to get ready to go to dads, I mopped all the floors (which haven't been done in an embarrassingly long time). Course once i got to dads it hit me and I might have been a bit grumpy. Whoops! It's hard to gauge what's over-doing it these days. I'm happy that things are getting better in that department.
I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again at a random trip to the doctor :) I'm pretty sure there is only one in there but the 14 week appointment is next friday so we will see. My instincts say there is only one in there and it's a boy. Who knows though!


Sarah said...

Wow, I can't believe it's been that long already. Your hair looks super cute!

Jessie said...

thanks sarah!