Thursday, September 10, 2009

mad, crazy professor

All I have to say is this:
working at a law firm, you come to hear some pretty crazy stories from some pretty crazy people. the fella that i encountered today on the phone, won. hands down. he had the mad professor thing going on. i'm not sure how much i can tell you without interferring with the whole confidentiality thing (he's not a client though so does it apply then?) but this guy was, lets say crossing some religious boundaries with his get rich quick scheme. he can read the word of god through the alphabet. its a gift. he's like mozart. he was drop dead serious. gosh, there isn't a way to tell you everything, how mouth dropping my 20 min conversation was with him. dang.
just believe me, your mouths would have also dropped to the floor. you can ask jw, she saw my mouth wide open. wow. really, wow.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Well I guess you'll have to tell me about mr. crazypants when I see you.