Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who has more fun???

It's usually about this time every year where I get stir crazy about my hair. I'm really enjoying the length of it right now but I'm in need of a little color change. Boredom. It hits me. It never used to, I never used to get bored with my hair. I had the same length and color for about 10 years. Not anymore. So my question is, what should I go with this time? Should I go super blonde? (not highlighted, but dyed) Should I go dark dark? Or should I be daring and attempt the redhead look? That one is risky but I think with my pale casper skin and blue eyes, I might be able to pull it off.
Please give me your HONEST opionions! I don't want to make a terrible choice. Let me see those comments!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

What the hell

I’ve had a crap day. Not only am I experiencing an elevated amount of PMS but I have added crap things to make this a crap day. I know my “happy go lucky, it’s all in your head” husband will not be much help as he hates it when I “whine and complain” but I like to call it venting. I need to vent. And I have already done so today with my mother. Thanks mom.
I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I am the type of sleeper where 5 min after laying down, I’m snoozing. Not lately. It seemed like last night all I did was doze. All. Night. Long. Not a good addition to PMS.
I also have a wisdom tooth that is coming in and it’s in the shape of a fang. Probably not actually but it’s sharp enough where it has cut my cheek and now a cankersore has made a little home and that fun little fang is rubbing up on it all day long. My cheek is swollen up a bit on the inside and I sound like an idiot when I answer the phone. Mudth, Porter, Lundee and Seegin instead of Mudge, Porter, Lundeen and Seguin. Poo.
I got to go to my annual exam at the gyno today also. Now when IS a good time to do this? Surely not when you are PMSing. It was the first time I have let any man down under other then my husband and for some reason I was nervous about it. Other factors were involved in that fun little experience that might make a TMI moment. There are a lot of TMI moments that I won’t share that are involved in this but just try to get a mental picture. Lets say that it didn’t help the crap day.
The office is freezing and the outside is freezing. All I want to do is take a bath and I have no bathtub. This has been an ongoing problem through the years but we have no money to remodel the bathroom.

I guess I can see where Max is coming from A LITTLE. Not a lot though. Don’t you ever have those days where you are just a negative nelly and you aren’t having a good day at all? At least Max doesn’t read this much so I don’t have to hear about it from him. I’m hoping that once I get home, put on my warmest comfy clothes and head over to JW house for a little Monday action with enchiladas and a movie that my mood will improve. The big factor on whether tomorrow will be better will be IF I get any sleep tonight. Perhaps I’ll cheat and take a PM medicine tonight that will knock me out. That makes me sound like some sort of addict but I promise I’m not, I’m just REALLY TIRED!!

Thank you for listening to my ranting and raving and venting and whining and complaining. I appreciate it!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Miss Stella (soon to be)

Today was my first attempt at shooting maternity photos. I think that we really got some great shots! Here are a couple to share, I just had to work on a couple once I got home :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Husband

I just wanted to share my hands down favorite new photo of my husband :) I took it today while we were on the train.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grey's v. Office

Why oh why did Grey’s have to be on at the same time as The Office? Do these T.V. executives realize what they are doing to me????? My two favorite shows and I have to watch one on the INTERNET. How rude.
Grey’s……. Office…… I love you both. Don’t feel like one is better then the other, it’s not true. You are both equally special to me! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

fluky deductions

A photo gallery of some of the desultory weekend that I had :)

A. Luca got a bath :):):) Isn't he cute!
B. Realized that we should go into business as toupee makers... three types of hair! It was haircut day in our house.

C. We have African Killer Wasps living in our backyard... notice the size difference compared to the clothespin. Not. Cool. Also notice the double stingers... I guess size does matter.
(that's what she said)
Sarah came over!
There you go.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The times when my husband isn't home is when I realize it might be smart to learn how to cook something.

He is up at Turtle Lake tonight so it looks like myself, a bowl of cereal, and watching The Office is in order.

What would I prefer for dinner? I have been craving some of my hubbys AMAZING stir fry and won tons. What do I get? Captain Crunch.

A visit from Rachael Ray is in order.
If Cesar Millan wants to visit as well that is fine by me :)

Whip me into shape. Whip the dogs into shape. Done deal.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My September nephew was born today! I don't know any details about numbers but he was born at 243pm Vermont time and he definitely took his time coming out! His full name is Oliver McFarlane Frank (McFarlane being a family name). Congratulations Kaela and Dom! Can't wait to see pictures of him!

*Little Oliver was 7 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches long :) A nice healthy baby!

Monday, September 14, 2009

nobody puts baby in the corner...

Oh sad, very sad. I'm glad that his fight is over and he can just rest in peace now. My heart goes out to his wife with whom he made it through the Hollywood crazies and were married for over 30 years.

i heart dirty dancing <3

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shamwow anyone?

What is it with men and the shamwow?
Seriously? It's not like they clean up messes anyway (men I mean).
We are cheap people and we brought practically no money to the state fair and what does my husband spend it on? Shamwows. His reason... "I bought one, and got two free Jessie! where else am I going to find a deal like that? no where."
All the people standing around the shamwow presentation were men.
It's Reeeeeediculous.

Halfway there!

The next four weeks of my always attractive sister and my nephew (that's what it's going to be). We find out a week fromThursday!

Lazy Bones

Yesterday I took a nap... it doesn't sound like a big deal but I NEVER nap. It's probably because if I do nap my naps have to be at least 2 hours long...

My husband finally wondered where I was after 1 1/2 hours of not hearing anything and came upstairs to find me face down, backwards on the bed. Since this was such an unusual sight, he checked my pulse. Yes he did I promise. Surprisingly (apparently) I was still alive and just needed a snoozer. Ok, back to poker he says.

And I slept on. Weird.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

mad, crazy professor

All I have to say is this:
working at a law firm, you come to hear some pretty crazy stories from some pretty crazy people. the fella that i encountered today on the phone, won. hands down. he had the mad professor thing going on. i'm not sure how much i can tell you without interferring with the whole confidentiality thing (he's not a client though so does it apply then?) but this guy was, lets say crossing some religious boundaries with his get rich quick scheme. he can read the word of god through the alphabet. its a gift. he's like mozart. he was drop dead serious. gosh, there isn't a way to tell you everything, how mouth dropping my 20 min conversation was with him. dang.
just believe me, your mouths would have also dropped to the floor. you can ask jw, she saw my mouth wide open. wow. really, wow.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Say it loud, say it proud

I'm not ashamed to say it, nope not at all.

Midol, I love you.

That one day a month that I need you, you are there with unfailing devotion to assist my every need. You are good to me. Thank you!