Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 weeks

We are in the home stretch! Or at least in the last ten weeks... I don't look too much bigger from last week but I sure feel big. Definitely slowing down, baby is starting to move differently. Not as many kicks and elbow jabs but a whole lot of rolling around. You can see his/her little rump move from one side to the other if I sit real still. Or bugger will shove his/her foot right into my rib and I will have to flinch a little at it and move the little teeny foot away from that spot. His/her favorite spot seems like it is with his/her head down to the left and with his/her feet on my upper right side. This is if you are me so if you are looking at me switch those sides around.
Getting up more at night to pee... I think this is God's way of preparing you for waking up several times a night. Granted you are only up for a couple minutes but still.
Max and I have accumulated some good stuff this week. I found a bumbo chair at a garage sale for $10! Hot commodities those things are. Max's friend brought over a exosaucer and a floormat/play gym thing for free so that was so very nice. Everything just needs a good cleaning and will work out just fine for our little bugger :)
I'm just so excited to meet my child. How strange is it going from being the daughter to having a daughter or a son... I already love the little bugger so much, I can only imagine it grows to ginormous amounts once you actually meet them face to face. I can't wait :)

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