Friday, February 27, 2009


it's hard to figure out what to say sometimes, you know? do you dive right in or do you start out with something inconsequential like I am doing now? poo, either way, I have to write! It's been way to long!

max and i painted the kitchen this week. we also ordered our new counter top and picked out a new sink and faucet :) our kitchen will look so beautiful in 7 to 10 days when the counter gets here! it will be a brand new looking kitchen for not too much money. it is just a cosmetic makeover that we are doing now. we were originally planning on remodeling the whole deal but basically the kitchen, bathroom and dining room would all have to be done at the same time and since we have decided that we are going to move eventually, it is not in our best interest to do that. we still have to make things look good though so that when we do sell, the house won't sit for a year.

the counters will be a beautiful blend of dark browns, a little black and a little gold in there. it is called milano mahogany. i know that it is hard to describe counter top but i did take before pictures and i will take after pics so that we can see the difference. we painted the kitchen walls a coppery color. it is actually called copper beech and it is beautiful! most people probably won't like it but max and I both enjoy a good bold color choice so we both like it. i was a little apprehensive when the paint was going on the walls because it was very orangy but the next day the walls looked much better. you can definitely see the orange tones and the brown tones in it. it matches the counters real good and I know this because we stole the paint and the counter top from the Menard's display case. haha, max and i aren't very good at figuring those types of things out on our own so we stole other peoples ideas :) hey, if it works it works right?

i have been looking into getting a tattoo lately. it's been incredibly boring at work so i just randomly started looking up tattoo ideas. then i find out that jw wants to get a tattoo so then it got me to thinking even more about getting a tattoo. i haven't really thought about getting one before because I just didn't know what i would want to put on my body forever and ever but if it had significant meaning and it looked awesome, then i think i would. I would love to get a tattoo that my mom and my sister would have too. kind of a shared family tatt... or get one with my friends... but i can only think of one that i would get to symbolize my max. no worries, i would never get his name tattooed on me but something else. I love the look of script or something like that and I would want to put it on my ribs. it would hurt like a mofo but oh well. what sorts of tattoos does everyone else have? can you give me any ideas?

its been a pretty rough winter with max not having a job... his unemployment obviously is an incredible help but not like having a good job and a steady paycheck. we were talking last night about how we would combine our bills and such once he starts back up at county. hopefully that will help with paying back some of the debt that has been racked up due to no job from the other half. i told him that i want to take control over the bills, i will feel much better knowing exactly where everything is going. so at least we have a plan but a job is the first step! does anyone know of anything? he has an associate degree in accounting so he could do accounts receivable/payable or something along those lines? he is willing to travel...

anyhooo, until next time!


Rachel said...

I have three tatts, and I don't think that it is painful, just uncomfortable. Don't pressure yourself to find one, it will come across when you least expect. And I like it that you aren't getting one just to get one!

Unknown said...

Rachel is right about finding a tattoo. I've wanted another tattoo ever since I got my first one but I just haven't seen the "right one" until now! I finally found it! You will know when you see it if that's something you really want.

Sarah said...

A tatt on your ribs?! I heard that's one of the most painful places to get one! I can't wait to see your kitchen when it's all finished and beautiful!

Sarah said...

Oh, if I were to get one it would be something like THIS! but of course that would probably be way too much pain for me but it's so pretty! Otherwise I would get a swallow on my hip (smaller & less noticable). I have a thing for birds :)