Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Things About Me

I got tagged on Facebook but since I am never on there I will do it here! Plus it will waste time at work ;)

1) I wear a size 8 in shoes... it seems like everyone else does also because I can never find the right shoe in my size. I have many pairs of shoes but none that I seem to be able to wear! I have lots of cute high heels but since they are open toe, I cannot wear them at work. Watch out, I might drop a $5 dollar bill on my toes...I

2) I think that after 7 years in customer service, I would love a job where I could sit at a desk and not be bothered all day long by crabby, unappreciative people.

3) Along with #2, I would LOVE a job where I could travel. I want to go EVERYWHERE. Anywhere and everywhere... Good thing Max is like that too, we will be able to agree on where to travel.

4) I dislike odd numbers. I'm just not fond of them. Hence my wedding date 12-06-2008. I told Max we needed to get married within the year so we wouldn't be married in 2009. He thinks I am crazy but oh well!

5) My favorite band of ALL TIME is Coldplay. They are just amazing. JW and I saw them in concert a few months back and they put on an incredible show. You can bet that I will be going to next one and will be splurging and getting closer seats :)

6) My dogs have middle names. Luca Henry and Clyde Danger (you can tell Max named Clyde)

7) While I am quite satisfied with my life, I always wonder where it would have gone if I had made different decisions. Where would I be right now and would I have been as satisfied as I am now.

8) I love my friends so very much. They mean the world to me and I am so lucky to have them in my life and to have been friends with them for so long. I can be myself with them and have absolutely no worries about what they will think of me.

9) I am a very different person around my family then I am around my friends. Sometimes I wish I could just be the same with both sides. I wish I could be as affectionate and outgoing with my family as I am with my friends and I wish that once in a while I could be reserved around my friends without seeming crabby.

10) I really enjoy singing. I may not be good at it but I do it anyway and I know A LOT of songs! Max is constantly impressed by my knowledge of songs. I may not know the whole song but I will more then likely know some of it. I am always singing at work, customers get a real kick out if it even if my boss doesn't. I do a great impersonation of Cher.

11) I like my cereal soggy. Captain Crunch never tasted better :) I don't like Cinnamon Life and Frosted Mini Wheats soggy though. If Max isn't around to cook me supper, more then likely I will have cereal. Haha. I don't have much for culinary skills.

12) My very favorite article of clothing is socks. I wear them all year round even in the summer. I mostly just wear them at night in the summer though. There is just nothing like the feeling of pulling on a fresh new pair of socks and feeling them all nice and tight on your feet. Makes them nice and toasty warm!

13) I cannot pick out paint colors that look good. Max and I remodeled half the house so far which included moving the staircase, the living room, the office, two bedrooms and the entrance for the attic room. We also repainted the bathroom because it looked nasty. Of all these rooms, we had to repaint one bedroom, the office, and the bathroom because the colors I picked out were not very good. Max says I am no longer allowed to pick out colors alone. Since we are now "cosmetically remodeling" the kitchen, I will be sure to have help from Max so that if the paint color looks bad, it will be just as much his fault as mine. Let's hope that we don't screw up on picking out the countertops!

14) I dislike most fruits. Absolutely nothing with berry at the end of it. Nothing tropical. I enjoy apples to the extreme, throw anything apple (especially desert) in front of my face and I will probably pin you to the ground so that I could eat it. I like bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe and grapes. Grapes being my most recent discovery. I hated grapes as a kid and tried them out a few months back to see if my taste buds had changed and sure enough they had! I then tried the rest of the fruit that I dislike so much and still dislike them.

15) When we down in St. Croix for our wedding, I discovered that I very much enjoy the flavor of mango which was weird considering my dislike of tropical fruit. Mango drinks are just so very delicious especially when paired with orange. The other day Molly brought a mango to work and I took a bite of it and I liked it!

16) I am a very organized person when it comes to things outside of my own home. I like to keep my desk clean and things easy to find and frequently reorganize what I can to make my area feel new. I make up a lot of logs, charts, ect... on Excel for the Teller Line to keep our info organized as well. Too bad I am not so good at this when it's my own house... probably because I would have the buy the materials myself to keep the stuff organized!

17) I am extremely close with my mom. I talk to her just about everyday except for the weekends when she is working. I hate being so busy since I don't get to see her very often at all. I don't really see any of my family very much compared to how often we see Max's side. They are a very close nit family compared to ours although I wish we were this way.

18) I have a very boring, unimportant life. It's taken me 3 days of on and off writing to even come up with 17 remotely interesting things about myself. No good, I need to spice up my life! Having 2 jobs really takes a toll on ones social life.

19) I don't watch tv very much. I am more of a movie gal but my favorite tv shows that I do not miss are Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Lost. I watch these weekly but I follow House and The Office when the come out by season. The 3 I watch weekly I usually watch with JW at her house because since I am working at the gas station at night and she has homework at night, JW downloads the 3 shows for us and we watch them on Sundays. She can play them right from her computer, hook it up to her BIG A** tv and we happily watch the shows like they were actually on but without commercials!

20) I am a celebrity gossip junky. I don't know what to say... bad habit!

21) I am a photographer. I went to school for it and I do it on the side especially in the summer. I LOVE shooting babies, they are my very favorite and I think that I am the best at babies, and regular portraits in general. I do shoot weddings although I am still fairly new at that. I wish there were some photographers around my area that have the same sort of style that I like so I could intern with them but everyone around here seems to have the same general style. I will just have to work on it myself and help out at every wedding my friends ask me to do plus the couple of weddings I do myself. If anyone wants some photos taken, I would be happy to do that for you!

22) My dream house would have built-in bookcases, many many many fireplaces and a wraparound porch. :)

23) I want to see all the 7 Wonders of the World but especially the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal and the Colosseum. I guess this relates to #3

24) Max and I want a large family. We do not agree on how large though as Max literally wants like 8 kids. That is absolutely NOT happening but I think 4 would be just fine. I don't know where he will get those last 4 kids but it won't be from me!

25) I really want to move. Everyone says they want to get out of this cold weather but I really would if I could. I would like to move to Tennessee or the Carolinas or something. I hate these frigid winters, I am a freezebaby. I don't winter itself but a less cold one would work perfect for me. Unfortunatly, my hubbie is the opposite and has a really hard time with heat. He wears tshirts and shorts all year around and we have to keep our house at around 63 in the winter. In the summer he has the air conditioning running all the time at freezing temps and has a special air conditioner for our bedroom. Errgggg

FINALLY! It took me quite a while to think of 25 things!


kristi noser said...

I can really see your mama in a lot of those. I remember being in awe of her bookkeeping system. Jezzmo, your life is not unimportant! Maybe a little boring now, but have a couple cherubs and that will change right quick! Oh, BTW I do weekend babysitting, just so you know...

Sarah said...

So if you lived some place that's warm all of the time would you still wear socks? Maybe act like a German and wear socks with your sandals?