Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 Weeks

I seem to have poofed out pretty good it looks like... I think so anyway :) So far everything is still good! I'm still exhausted all the time but not as bad as before so hopefully that is going away. No super strong cravings or anything but I will get an idea in my head and ask for it for dinner. Then it's gone. Easy. Max got called back to work this week so I'll have to get used to sharing the cooking and the cleaning of the kitchen which I am NOT excited for. The only thing that seems to make me sick/gag is when I go into the kitchen at night. I think there is a smell in there that only I can detect but I can't handle it at night. Sick.
I've also noticed that my nails are freaking hard as rocks! Must be the prenatal pills. I'm seeing how long they grow before they break because I've never had them last so long before!
Our 10 week appointment is on Friday so we'll get to hear the little bugger's heartbeat :) I'm so excited to hear him/her. I'm looking forward to seeing Max's reaction to it as well since he's never heard a baby's heartbeat before where I have heard Axton's so I know what to expect.
I guess that's it for this week... Max and I are going to start tackling names. Yikes. Wish us luck!


erin said...

How exciting!
Also, thanks to prenatal vitamins, you are about to have the most gorgeous hair and nails you've ever had!
I can't WAIT to hear your reactions about hearing your little one's heartbeat. There's something very special about hearing your own child's beating heart.

erin said...

ALSO, I love that the wall color is different in each photo. How many colors of walls do you have in your house?? :)

Sarah said...

That's quite a difference compared to the previous weeks. I couldn't believe that you're showing already!

Jessie said...

Erin- every wall of our house sans the dining room (which still has ugly wallpaper) has a nice bright color on it. It was just too weird doing it in the living room where I did Caitlin's pictures :)