Saturday, November 21, 2009

men vs. cleaning

How is it that Max, who has ample time to do anything he wants as he is laid off, thinks the house is spit spot clean, see's nothing wrong with it (other than the dirty floor which is MY job) and is content to leave it at that while I wake up on a Saturday morning and spend 2 hours cleaning the kitchen. JUST the kitchen?
Sometimes, just sometimes, I think a little more time should have been spent on the household area in the man brain.


kristi noser said...

Someone told me a very true statement once:
"Boys don't see crumbs."

Jessie said...


erin said...

Kristi, That was me!

At least your husband doesn't "clean" the house while stomping around and giving everybody dirty looks because he thinks you should be working harder, too.
Not that my husband does that...I've just heard of husbands who do that.