Sunday, May 31, 2009

I learned a couple of things

Fact one: Swiffer Wet Jets while helpful, will do this to your hardwood floors if leaking and left out all night. That sucks.

Fact Two: Don't leave the dog food out if the dogs haven't in fact finished their dinner. Mice enjoy stealing pieces and storing them for midnight snack. You will discover where 5 pounds of dog food went. You will not find it in the yard after the dogs finished with it but underneath your stove.


kristi noser said...

We found the mice's stash when we opened up the hide-a-bed for company. Whatta mess.

Sarah said...

Well, I have to say that you sure do have a mouse problem!

erin said...

That made me laugh out loud.
(Sorry about your floor.)

Jessie said...

you get pretty used to mice running around in our old farmhouse. there aren't as many as before thank goodness!

Maya said...

That's just not right. SICK!